Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2+

823.75 NOK Få tilgang til den komplette arken med grundig informasjon, sammenlign priser og identifiser funksjonene til PRODUKTNAMN, til kostprisen av PRISVALUTA; det klassifiseres i KATEGORINAVN; selgeren er SELGERNAVN, og produsenten er PRODUSENTNAVN.

Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.0+, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength: 2.0+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material

EAN: 0850008097034
Fraktkostnad: 200 NOK
Tilgjengelighet: in stock
Leveringstid: 1-3 days
Tilstand: new

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Silverstein Works Silverstein Jazz Soprano Saxophone Reed 2+ Silverstein Works Silverstein Jazz Soprano Saxophone Reed 2+ 597 NOK Silverstein Jazz Soprano Saxophone Reed er designet for absolutt ytringsfrihet. En frittblåsende profil gir mulighet for kreativ og fleksibel bruk av uttrykksfulle teknikker. Et medlem av Silversteins andre generasjon syntetiske siv er laget ved hjelp av Ambipolymer - et materiale med autentisiteten til stokk men fordelene med et svært konstruert syntetisk materiale. Jazz reed gir deg en lys og sprø lyd med rask respons. Sterk projeksjon gjennom hele saksofonens register gir en fantastisk lyd ved extreme høye og lave toner perfekt for contemporary. En tynnere vamp og hjerte enn andre moderne kuttede siv kombinert med en modifisert spissdesign gir enkel spillbarhet og en intim klang. Vennligst merk: Bildet er kun for referanse.
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4.5 Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4.5, Reed for Bb clarinet (Boehm system), Strength: 4.5, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with free blowing and full harmony in all registers, Wider tip, Normal heart, Round sound with faster response, Unprecedented projection with wider range, For orchestral and chamber music, Made from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein Alta Ambipoly Alto Classic3.5+ Silverstein Alta Ambipoly Alto Classic3.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Classic Alto 3.5+, Reed for Alto Saxophone@Strength: 3.5+, Concert reed with round and warm tone, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% of moisture, Plays better after 2 minutes, Breaks in during the first 30 minutes, similar to bamboo, During this process, the inner structure of the reed is aligned with the mouthpiece and the embouchure (only the first time), Manufactured with precise chemical techniques to ensure a high consistency of all reeds, Reed can be modified with a reed knife or sandpaper, Manufactured from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4 Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4 767.5 NOK Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4.0, Reed for Bb Clarinet (Boehm system), Thickness: 4.0, Alta Ambipoly PRIMO Series, For advanced clarinetists, Adequate resistance with full harmony in all registers, Conventional clarinet reed tip, Thicker heart, Warm sound with strong core, Good projection with centered sound, For solo performance and studio recording, Made with food grade Eco-friendly material
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5 Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 2.5, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5 Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5, Reed for Bb clarinet (Boehm system), Thickness: 2.5, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with free blowing and full harmony in all registers, Wider tip, Normal heart, Round sound with faster response, Unprecedented projection with wider range, For orchestral and chamber music, Made from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein ALTA Synthetic Clarinet 4 Silverstein ALTA Synthetic Clarinet 4 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Bb-Clarinet 4.0, Synthetic reed for Bb clarinet (Boehm system), Strength: 4.0, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, absorbs 2 to 3% moisture and improves after about 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes - during this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (only the first time), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Baritone Jazz 3 Silverstein Ambipoly Baritone Jazz 3 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Classic Baritone 3.0, Reed for Baritone Saxophone, Thickness: 3.0, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Manufactured with precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food grade environmentally friendly material.
Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4.5 Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4.5 767.5 NOK Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4.5, Reed for Bb Clarinets (Boehm System), Strength: 4.5, Alta Ambipoly PRIMO Series, For advanced clarinetists, Offers a reasonable amount of resistance with full harmonics in all registers, Conventional reed tip for a clarinet, Thicker heart, Produces a warm sound with a strong core, Good projection with a centred sound, For solo performances and studio recordings, Manufactured using environmentally-friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5+ Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.5+, Reed for Bb Clarinets (Boehm System), Strength: 2.5+, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Designed for the next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with freer blowing and full harmonics in all registers, Wider tip, Standard heart, Produces a round sound and a faster response, Unprecedented projection with wide spectrum, Suitable for orchestral and chamber music, Manufactured using environmentally-friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5+, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 3.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Alta Ambipoly Alto Classic 3+ Silverstein Alta Ambipoly Alto Classic 3+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Classic Alto 3.0+, Reed for Alto Saxophone@Strength: 3.0+, Concert reed with round and warm tone, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% of moisture, Plays better after 2 minutes, Breaks in during the first 30 minutes, similar to bamboo, During this process, the inner structure of the reed is aligned with the mouthpiece and the embouchure (only the first time), Manufactured with precise chemical techniques to ensure a high consistency of all reeds, Reed can be modified with a reed knife or sandpaper, Manufactured from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2.5+, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 2.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5 Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5, Reed for bass clarinet, Thickness 2.5, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3.5 Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3.5 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3.5, Reed for bass clarinet, Thickness 3.5, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Silverstein 4011.25 NOK Yamaha HS 3 W, Active 2-Way Studio Monitor, Equipped with: 3.5
Silverstein Ambipoly Eb-Clarinet 3.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Eb-Clarinet 3.5+ 716.25 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Eb- Clarinet 3.5+, Reed for Eb Clarinet, Strength: 3.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Manufactured with a precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food grade environmentally friendly material.
Silverstein ALTA Soprano Reeds (10 p.) 4 Silverstein ALTA Soprano Reeds (10 p.) 4 766.25 NOK Silverstein ALTA Soprano Reeds (10 p.) 4, Reeds for soprano saxophone, Strength: 4.0, Made from the best quality cane, Excellent durability with a consistent sound quality, Made in Germany, Package quantity: 10 reeds
Silverstein Oboe Reed PRO Medium Hard Silverstein Oboe Reed PRO Medium Hard 2550 NOK Silverstein Oboe Reed PRO Medium Hard, Reed For Oboe, Strength: Medium hard, European cut, Chiarugi Type 2 - Length: 46 mm, Total length: 71.5 mm, Opening: 0.74 mm, Tuning: 442 - 443 Hz, Ready for use, Soft and full overtones, warm, rich and colourful sound with amazing response, Extremely durable, reliable and long-lasting
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2+ Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 2.0+, Reed for Soprano Saxophone, Strength: 2.0+, Concert reed with round and warm tone, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% of moisture, Plays better after 2 minutes, Breaks in during the first 30 minutes, similar to bamboo, During this process, the inner structure of the reed is aligned with the mouthpiece and the embouchure (only the first time), Manufactured with precise chemical techniques to ensure a high consistency of all reeds, Reed can be modified with a reed knife or sandpaper, Manufactured from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2+ Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 2.0+, Reed for Bb- clarinet (Boehm system), Thickness: 2.0+, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with free blowing and full harmony in all registers, Wider tip, Normal heart, Round sound with faster response, Unprecedented projection with wider range, For orchestral and chamber music, Made from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4+ Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4+ 767.5 NOK Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 4.0+, Reed for Bb Clarinets (Boehm System), Strength: 4.0+, Alta Ambipoly PRIMO Series, For advanced clarinetists, Offers a reasonable amount of resistance with full harmonics in all registers, Conventional reed tip for a clarinet, Thicker heart, Produces a warm sound with a strong core, Good projection with a centred sound, For solo performances and studio recordings, Manufactured using environmentally-friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5 Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.5, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 3.5, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 2.5 Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 2.5 767.5 NOK Silverstein PRIMO Bb-Clarinet 2.5, Reed for Bb Clarinets (Boehm System), Strength: 2.5, Alta Ambipoly PRIMO Series, For advanced clarinetists, Offers a reasonable amount of resistance with full harmonics in all registers, Conventional reed tip for a clarinet, Thicker heart, Produces a warm sound with a strong core, Good projection with a centred sound, For solo performances and studio recordings, Manufactured using environmentally-friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3+ Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.0+, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength: 3.0+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5 Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5, Reed for Bb Clarinets (Boehm System), Strength: 3.5, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Designed for the next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with freer blowing and full harmonics in all registers, Wider tip, Standard heart, Produces a round sound and a faster response, Unprecedented projection with wide spectrum, Suitable for orchestral and chamber music, Manufactured using environmentally-friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein Ambipoly Eb-Clarinet 2.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Eb-Clarinet 2.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Eb- Clarinet 2.5+, Reed for Eb Clarinet, Strength: 2.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Manufactured with a precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food grade environmentally friendly material.
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4 Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 4.0, Reed for Bb clarinet (Boehm system), Thickness: 4.0, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with free blowing and full harmony in all registers, Wider tip, Normal heart, Round sound with faster response, Unprecedented projection with wider range, For orchestral and chamber music, Made from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5+ 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 2.5+, Reed for Bass Clarinet, Strength 2.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes during this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (only the first time), Manufactured with precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food quality environmentally friendly material
Silverstein Ambipoly Tenor Jazz 2+ Silverstein Ambipoly Tenor Jazz 2+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Tenor Jazz 2+, Reed for Tenor Saxophone, Strength: 2.0+, Concert grade reed with a round and warm sound, Rich harmonics at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Resembles the sound produced by cane reeds, Absorbs 2-3% of moisture, In order to reach a better sound, around 2 minutes of playing in is recommended, Similar to cane reeds, the reed breaks in during the first 30 minutes, Break-in is required only when using the reed for the first time. During this process, the internal structure of the reed will realign to your mouthpiece and embouchure., Manufactured using precision chemical engineering, providing a high degree of consistency across all reeds, Reed can be modified with a reed knife or sandpaper, Manufactured using environmentally friendly food-grade materials
Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3 Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Bass Clarinet 3.0, Reed for Bass Clarinet, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes during this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (only the first time), Manufactured with precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food quality environmentally friendly material.
Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5+ Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein VIVACE Bb-Clarinet 3.5+, Reed for Bb clarinet (Boehm system), Thickness: 3.5+, Alta Ambipoly VIVACE Series, Next generation, Allows flexible and creative playing with free blowing and full harmony in all registers, Wider tip, Normal heart, Round sound with faster response, Unprecedented projection with wider range, For orchestral and chamber music, Made from environmentally friendly food-grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Baritone Jazz 2.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Baritone Jazz 2.5+ 928.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Classic Baritone 2.5+, Reed for Baritone Saxophone, Thickness: 2.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with its mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Manufactured with precise chemical technique that ensures high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be processed with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from food grade environmentally friendly material.
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 3.5 Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 3.5 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Jazz 3.5, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 3.5, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3 Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 3.0, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength: 3.0, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5+ Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5+ 823.75 NOK Silverstein Ambipoly Soprano Classic 2.5+, Reed for soprano saxophone, Strength 2.5+, Concert reed with round and warm sound, Full timbre at any volume, Perfect and clear altissimo, Sounds like bamboo, Absorbs 2 to 3% moisture, Improves after 2 minutes of playing, Breaks in like bamboo during the first 30 minutes, During this process the inner structure of the tube is aligned with your mouthpiece and embouchure (first time only), Made with precise chemical technology that ensures a high consistency of all reeds, The reed can be treated with a reed knife or sandpaper, Made from environmentally friendly food grade material
Silverstein Silverstein 72000 NOK K. Knorr La Gioiosa Solist Mandolin RW, Mandolin, 11-Piece rosewood body in a lute-like shape, Headstock with Mother-of-Pearl inlay and rosewood sleeve protector, Spruce top with wide soundhole inlay, Ebony fingerboard with Mother-of-Pearl inlay, Nickel-free frets, Engraved ball-bearing machine heads and tailpiece made of brass, polished and varnished, Scale: 330 mm, Thomastik strings, Silk-matte lacquer finish, Includes shaped case, Made in Germany
Silverstein Silverstein 72000 NOK K. Knorr La Gioiosa Solist Mandolin MA, Soloist Mandolin, 11-piece body made from flamed sycamore maple in a lute-like shape, Headstock with Mother-of-Pearl inlay and rosewood cover, Silk-matte spruce top and wide soundhole inlay, Ebony fingerboard with Mother-of-Pearl inlay, Nickel-free frets, Machine heads with ball bearings, engraved, polished and lacquer finish brass, Tailpiece made of polished and lacquer finish brass, Scale: 330 mm, Thomastik strings, Includes shaped case, Made in Germany
Silverstein OmniPatch Clear Plain Silverstein OmniPatch Clear Plain 473.75 NOK Silverstein OmniPatch Clear Plain, Rubber patch for clarinet and saxophone, Smooth surface, Made of food-safe silicone, Thickness: 0.8 mm, Colour: Transparent, Package quantity: 6 pieces